It's time to go to work....
That's the phrase I look forward to most in July and August. It's time for college and NFL football teams to begin training camp. Time for every pro player to pack up their bags and head to their local college and live it up in the res halls on constant lock down for the outside world. It's time for collegiate athletes, including one Bob Tomlinson (UINDY #69, Sr Center), to tell Mom and Dad "see ya at the first game," get fitted for equipment, and kiss the rest of their summer goodbye. It's time for High Schoolers across America to strap it up for the first time perhaps and walk out on their dry, dust bowl that they call pratice field in 90 degree heat for three hours only. Then they'll hitch a ride with a fellow teammate who was lucky enough to get his parents' car for the day, hit up a Wendys, take a nap on the floor of the locker room, and get back to work for another three hour stint a 3:30 that afternoon.
It's the same thing every day, again and again, for four straight weeks. Men, young and old, all across America choose to put themselves through Hell on Earth with the same goal....get better, work hard than your opponent because when you are taking a break, they are running that extra mile, and be ready come opening night.
I would imagine that most of my audience by now are thinking: "Why is this fun? Why do you write about this?" There is no need to explain...either you know it or you don't. Those that are reading this and have lived it, or are living it, are saying "Let's go..." That feeling doesn't seem to fade away. Just the other day I walked out of a meeting to a parking lot next to a open field. Immediately the feelings of playing from 5th grade on and most recently coaching came rushing back. It was over 90 degrees with the smell of fresh cut dry grass and dust. I immediately started looking for the makeshift water fountain consisting of a garden hose hooked up to long skinny PVC pipe with a dozen holes drilled through out. "The Trough" as its called is second to only Heaven on a hot July/August day in practice.
Not to jump the gun yet...but all of us who have been there (or are still there) in the midst of it all know that this feeling, this time, is prescious. It's about commradarie. It's about teamwork. It's about dedication and work ethic. It's about pushing yourself beyond what God Himself says believes you are capable of. It's about building character.
The Colts moved in to Rose Holman today. They start practice at 8:30 tomorrow. The 'Hounds and the Irish have one more week to go. Check back often for updates...
In other, and more imporant, news, Krissie has finished her second day in Italy. The boat docked in Naples and she spent Day 1 on the Island of Capri. Most certainly she is loving it. Today and tomorrow she is in Rome, in the heart of the Church. Not all my friends and colleagues are big fans of Il Papa or the Catholic folk...but, all can certainly acknowledge that the history present in that city, the Eternal City as its called, and the foreshadowing (for good or poor) of their Republic on ours makes the trip more than worth while. This is the port I've been most looking forward for her to go to. I'm anxiously awaiting reports back.
Below you fill find the most recent picture from Krissie's travels. I like to that it's "Quintessential Krissie."

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