Only 24 more days until Krissie comes home. I haven't been able to wrap my mind around what this trip means really. It seems that it really is a once in a life time experience....for her travels, and hopefully the ONE AND ONLY time that we will be apart for this long. I guess you don't usually think about when something is "once in a life time," what it means for those that are not in the experience..the positive side at least. I'm hoping that when she returns I can better understand what this trip means for "us."
There has been a lot going on back here in the states, but at the same time it seems very little of any significance. My days are spent the exact same way each day...wake up, check for an email from Krissie, work non-stop all day (my summer officially ended when I took this new job), work out (usually a run, sometimes lifting), check for another email from Krissie, dinner, and bed. Same routine each day. I've been fortunate that my folks and buddy Mitch have come to visit and the summer has brought more time to talk to my brother and sisters. So, there is much significance in that. Krissie's mom and grandma have both had their share of medical scares this summer too. I know that Krissie wishes she could be here for them...I try to keep her posted instead.
No real updates on the Colts right now. Peyton made it to camp today, but his knee is still immobilized. I wish that I could be able to go see the Colts in training camp. One of the sacrifices one needs to make though to be in a good job near the one you love. Speaking of sacrifices, Mitch was talking to me today about the new role he has taken on in Student Life at BSU. Lucky dude is able to leave work every day at 4pm, take his boy and dog for a walk to the park, and then come home to a wife and work on his new house each and every day. He was telling me that he's bored at work and should be doing more...what a problem to have?! Leaving work at a decent time and spending quality time w/ the ones you love every day!
Krissie arrives in Egypt in about 2 hours. I'm anxious to hear how her visit goes. It was added at the last minute when the ship decided not to go to Turkey (thank God!) because of recent terrorist attacks. So, now she is going to be literally riding a camel in the shadow of the pyramids. For my readers (if any), could you ever imagine that one Kristyn Biebuyck, almost in love with shopping and art as with me (most days ;-) ) is going to be riding a CAMEL! I will certainly be using this as leverage to finally get her to go camping or even REALLY attempt a fishing trip with me.
That's all for now....
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Time to go to work...
Ladies and Gents....I appologize for the delay in posting. But, rest assured, the wait has been worth it.
It's time to go to work....
That's the phrase I look forward to most in July and August. It's time for college and NFL football teams to begin training camp. Time for every pro player to pack up their bags and head to their local college and live it up in the res halls on constant lock down for the outside world. It's time for collegiate athletes, including one Bob Tomlinson (UINDY #69, Sr Center), to tell Mom and Dad "see ya at the first game," get fitted for equipment, and kiss the rest of their summer goodbye. It's time for High Schoolers across America to strap it up for the first time perhaps and walk out on their dry, dust bowl that they call pratice field in 90 degree heat for three hours only. Then they'll hitch a ride with a fellow teammate who was lucky enough to get his parents' car for the day, hit up a Wendys, take a nap on the floor of the locker room, and get back to work for another three hour stint a 3:30 that afternoon.
It's the same thing every day, again and again, for four straight weeks. Men, young and old, all across America choose to put themselves through Hell on Earth with the same goal....get better, work hard than your opponent because when you are taking a break, they are running that extra mile, and be ready come opening night.
I would imagine that most of my audience by now are thinking: "Why is this fun? Why do you write about this?" There is no need to explain...either you know it or you don't. Those that are reading this and have lived it, or are living it, are saying "Let's go..." That feeling doesn't seem to fade away. Just the other day I walked out of a meeting to a parking lot next to a open field. Immediately the feelings of playing from 5th grade on and most recently coaching came rushing back. It was over 90 degrees with the smell of fresh cut dry grass and dust. I immediately started looking for the makeshift water fountain consisting of a garden hose hooked up to long skinny PVC pipe with a dozen holes drilled through out. "The Trough" as its called is second to only Heaven on a hot July/August day in practice.
Not to jump the gun yet...but all of us who have been there (or are still there) in the midst of it all know that this feeling, this time, is prescious. It's about commradarie. It's about teamwork. It's about dedication and work ethic. It's about pushing yourself beyond what God Himself says believes you are capable of. It's about building character.
The Colts moved in to Rose Holman today. They start practice at 8:30 tomorrow. The 'Hounds and the Irish have one more week to go. Check back often for updates...
In other, and more imporant, news, Krissie has finished her second day in Italy. The boat docked in Naples and she spent Day 1 on the Island of Capri. Most certainly she is loving it. Today and tomorrow she is in Rome, in the heart of the Church. Not all my friends and colleagues are big fans of Il Papa or the Catholic folk...but, all can certainly acknowledge that the history present in that city, the Eternal City as its called, and the foreshadowing (for good or poor) of their Republic on ours makes the trip more than worth while. This is the port I've been most looking forward for her to go to. I'm anxiously awaiting reports back.
Below you fill find the most recent picture from Krissie's travels. I like to that it's "Quintessential Krissie."

Friday, July 4, 2008
A little this..a little that
Happy Fourth of July! America is officially 232 years old...still just a baby per historical standings.
Krissie is still in Russia and will be there one more day. I have to admit, I've been pretty nervous about her being in Russia. Her first email messages to me about St. Pete was that it was a dangerous city full of skinheads and Nazi's hell bent on harassing/beating those that don't look much like they belong in St. Pete. She now assures me that she is doing fine and is sticking to the safe parts of the country. To those who are praying for her...keep them coming. I've enlisted a number of angels (Ben, Nana and Papaw, Grami, her Dad and Grandpa Ross, etc) to keep any eye on her. While I haven't prayed as much as I would like, I am getting in a few prayers a day. I hope that will be enough to bring her home safe!!
Did you know there is a prayer you can say that asks your Guardian Angel to keep you safe? Did you know you even have a Guardian Angel? We all do! That God for that! Here is the prayer...
Prayer to my Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian dear;
To whom God's love commits me hear;
Ever this day be at my side;
To light, to guard, to rule, to guide. Amen
Quick and simple, but effective.
Not much going on in the world of sports right now, at least those that I follow. NFL training camps will be starting up soon. I think the traditional NFL powerhouses should be at the top of their games again this year. Your's truely's Colts should have a good team. Although, Tyjuan Hagler, their starting Will (weakside) linebacker tore his pectoral muscle in an offseason workout this week. The Colts are already young at that position and can't afford to become any younger. However, their defensive scheme (4-3, Cover 2) has served them well, despite injuries these past few years.
The Irish are predicted to improve this year, possibly making a second tier bowl game. It will be good for their young talent to get a taste for winning so that they are ready to make a run at a serious bowl game, maybe even a National Championship in the next few years.
I moved into my new office today. Pretty comfortable if you ask me...floor to ceiling windows, central air, wrap around desk, updated furniture, etc. I'm not quite sure if I deserve such a swank place. But, this is where I've been placed and I feel all the more fortunate for it! This new position should challenge me like I had hoped OSU would. I'm still not certain that this place is the kind of place I plan to spend many years at. This is the same way I felt applying here in the first place. But, it is good for me to experience a research I and Big 10 school before kids come along for Krissie and I. I do think that she would prefer to stay here in Columbus for as long as we can. Though, she is supportive and says we can go anywhere is necessary. It would be tough for me to move her from here as it is the place she feels is the most like home for her. to bed. Don't forget your prayers for Krissie!!! I appreciate it more than you know!
Krissie is still in Russia and will be there one more day. I have to admit, I've been pretty nervous about her being in Russia. Her first email messages to me about St. Pete was that it was a dangerous city full of skinheads and Nazi's hell bent on harassing/beating those that don't look much like they belong in St. Pete. She now assures me that she is doing fine and is sticking to the safe parts of the country. To those who are praying for her...keep them coming. I've enlisted a number of angels (Ben, Nana and Papaw, Grami, her Dad and Grandpa Ross, etc) to keep any eye on her. While I haven't prayed as much as I would like, I am getting in a few prayers a day. I hope that will be enough to bring her home safe!!
Did you know there is a prayer you can say that asks your Guardian Angel to keep you safe? Did you know you even have a Guardian Angel? We all do! That God for that! Here is the prayer...
Prayer to my Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian dear;
To whom God's love commits me hear;
Ever this day be at my side;
To light, to guard, to rule, to guide. Amen
Quick and simple, but effective.
Not much going on in the world of sports right now, at least those that I follow. NFL training camps will be starting up soon. I think the traditional NFL powerhouses should be at the top of their games again this year. Your's truely's Colts should have a good team. Although, Tyjuan Hagler, their starting Will (weakside) linebacker tore his pectoral muscle in an offseason workout this week. The Colts are already young at that position and can't afford to become any younger. However, their defensive scheme (4-3, Cover 2) has served them well, despite injuries these past few years.
The Irish are predicted to improve this year, possibly making a second tier bowl game. It will be good for their young talent to get a taste for winning so that they are ready to make a run at a serious bowl game, maybe even a National Championship in the next few years.
I moved into my new office today. Pretty comfortable if you ask me...floor to ceiling windows, central air, wrap around desk, updated furniture, etc. I'm not quite sure if I deserve such a swank place. But, this is where I've been placed and I feel all the more fortunate for it! This new position should challenge me like I had hoped OSU would. I'm still not certain that this place is the kind of place I plan to spend many years at. This is the same way I felt applying here in the first place. But, it is good for me to experience a research I and Big 10 school before kids come along for Krissie and I. I do think that she would prefer to stay here in Columbus for as long as we can. Though, she is supportive and says we can go anywhere is necessary. It would be tough for me to move her from here as it is the place she feels is the most like home for her. to bed. Don't forget your prayers for Krissie!!! I appreciate it more than you know!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Back in OH-IO...
Back here in O-H-I-O for a little dose of reality. Vaction was great, but like many great things (though not all), it had to come to an end. There are just too many great pictures to put up on here, so I'll share just a few more.

The boys about ready for "Guys Night" at the Casino Boat and waffle house. Lou won $550, Bob and I just made "donations" to the boat.

The weather all week was great. We saw one great lightening storm (see previou posts). It was in the 90's all week. The food was great. I made porkchops for all of us one night. I made a homemade apple-BBQ glaze (1 part BBQ, 1 part Apple Jelly...melt over heat). It tasted great, but it needed to be thicker. I probably should have added corn starch or let it reduce down longer.
Charleston was an incredible city. I think Krissie and I will have to go there ASAP!!!! You could easily spend 4 full days trying to see everything there.
I officially start my new job tomorrow. I will be the new director of the Hall Complex here on campus. I'm not entirely sure what this position will entail. I've only heard horror stories really...but my goal is to take this job and make it managable. I'm not sure what that means yet, but we'll get it done.
Krissie is doing great on her trip. You'll need to check out her blog (see the link to the right). She is about 1 hour from St. Petersberg, Russia as I type this. St. Pete is supposed to be a fairly dangerous city. But, she tells me that she has befriended some experts on Russian culture and language that are on the boat with her. I've been praying that she stays safe all trip. But, this port makes me nervous. She's been told that people who are smiley, loud, laugh a lot, etc are singled out and usually scammed or worse. She fits that discription I hope she stays OK.
I've been reading up on the Patron Saints of the areas or activities she has been participating in. The Patron Saints of Russia are below:
I'm not sure if the links are active. If not, you can look these folks up on the Patron Saint Index.
Nothing else new to report. Remember to say your prayers for Krissie. Sunday was the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. So, perhaps that is a good omen for her trip to Russia.
Nothing else new to report. Remember to say your prayers for Krissie. Sunday was the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. So, perhaps that is a good omen for her trip to Russia.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
When am I done w/ this building..
Well..just chalk it up to one more incident here in Stradley. My grill was stolen this evening. I went for a run at 5:30 and it was there. I came back at 6 and it wasn't. The grill wasn't even was in the building where only university staff members should have access to the area. But, needless to say...just another day in Stradley. When the officer came to take the report (as we have to report things like this), she said to me "How do you like Stradley?" I responded, "It's alright. I'm being moved next year." She responded "I always twinge when I hear a call go out for Stradley over the radio. It just never stops here. I've worked at OSU for 11 years and that building is just a mess."
...when do I move out of this place?!!
...when do I move out of this place?!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tiger does it again..
Tiger Freakin' Woods...has there ever been a more dominating athlete? Has there ever been an athlete with better mental control? What category do you place this guy in? I wish the opportunity was there to have Nicklaus and Woods playing side by side in their hey-day. But, when Nicklaus was in his prime, the courses he was playing don't even compare to what the tour is playing now.
Now, I'll give Nicklaus plenty of credit. His generation needed control more than they needed distance (so I think...). But, Tiger can pull out the distance or the control, or BOTH at the same time if it's needed. I admire the dedication that man has put into his game. I sometimes think that if I work hard enough or try hard enough at something that I'm passionate about, I can have the kind of overwhelming positive outcome like he has with golf. That's why it is so enthralling to watch him, or other athletes, because for the most part you understand what they are trying to do and I you can see someone with enough physical and mental gifts to make it happen.
The most exciting experience I've ever had watching a sport live, was the 2006 AFC Championship, Colts/Pats in Indy. There were people willing to pay multiple thousands of dollars for tickets to that game. You couldn't have paid me enough to give up the chance to watch that game live, w/ my brother next to me, and my parents and one sister three rows in front of us. When ever I hear "In the Air Tonight" I can't help but think of Bob Sanders saluting the crowd in the pre-game, Peyton focused on the task at hand, Reggie Wayne there wondering if he would make a big play that day, Dwight Freeney loosing up the fastest legs coming out of a three point stance in the league...all the while my dad, brother, and I looked out on that field from our upper deck seats and knew what the Colts had to do that day. We weren't going to make a block that day. Saturday wasn't going to get hurt and we weren't next on the depth chart anyhow. But, our minds and hearts were in it, along with the majority of 56,000 other fans. (I will say though that my fellow Indy fans are still living in Hoosier Hysteria (b-ball) and do not have a full grasp on the game of football...getting better though.)
We were in that game all night. The play seemed to move so slow for us. We, as fans knew what the Patriots were going to try to do, and it was easy to anticipate what we'd see next. I can't even imagine how slow that game would have seem to move for Peyton, Marvin, Saturday, Glenn, etc. The preparation, physical and mental toughness necessary to succeed at their level is so rare. I feel fortunate that I, along w/ my Dad and brother, have been blessed with even just a small piece of the mental capacity to understand the game of football as well as those guys do. It may not be for everyone, but for us its rewards are worth more than most.
On a different note, Krissie is on her way to Norway now. She left yesterday around 6pm EDT, 7pm ADT. I'm not sure what timezone she is in now. She told me that the ship they are on is the fastest cruise ship in the world. The web says that the MV Explorer tops out at 28 Knots, but I was told today by a former cruiser that the ship can actually go 35 Knots. I guess they could get across the say in just a couple of days if they wanted to. But, for whatever reason, they have chosen to just mosey over there. It seems like she is having a pretty good time on the ship. I haven't really heard from her today. But, she did post on her blog. That was a neat read.
Off to read more of my book Blink. Up early to work out (I'm working out twice a day now) and then to run a few quick errands before hitting up the office. I'm all packed in my office now and nearly finished in my apartment. I'm not quite sure when I will start up in the new job. It will certainly be after vacation next week. So, until then, it's smooth sailing!!
I'm equally excited by
Now, I'll give Nicklaus plenty of credit. His generation needed control more than they needed distance (so I think...). But, Tiger can pull out the distance or the control, or BOTH at the same time if it's needed. I admire the dedication that man has put into his game. I sometimes think that if I work hard enough or try hard enough at something that I'm passionate about, I can have the kind of overwhelming positive outcome like he has with golf. That's why it is so enthralling to watch him, or other athletes, because for the most part you understand what they are trying to do and I you can see someone with enough physical and mental gifts to make it happen.
The most exciting experience I've ever had watching a sport live, was the 2006 AFC Championship, Colts/Pats in Indy. There were people willing to pay multiple thousands of dollars for tickets to that game. You couldn't have paid me enough to give up the chance to watch that game live, w/ my brother next to me, and my parents and one sister three rows in front of us. When ever I hear "In the Air Tonight" I can't help but think of Bob Sanders saluting the crowd in the pre-game, Peyton focused on the task at hand, Reggie Wayne there wondering if he would make a big play that day, Dwight Freeney loosing up the fastest legs coming out of a three point stance in the league...all the while my dad, brother, and I looked out on that field from our upper deck seats and knew what the Colts had to do that day. We weren't going to make a block that day. Saturday wasn't going to get hurt and we weren't next on the depth chart anyhow. But, our minds and hearts were in it, along with the majority of 56,000 other fans. (I will say though that my fellow Indy fans are still living in Hoosier Hysteria (b-ball) and do not have a full grasp on the game of football...getting better though.)
We were in that game all night. The play seemed to move so slow for us. We, as fans knew what the Patriots were going to try to do, and it was easy to anticipate what we'd see next. I can't even imagine how slow that game would have seem to move for Peyton, Marvin, Saturday, Glenn, etc. The preparation, physical and mental toughness necessary to succeed at their level is so rare. I feel fortunate that I, along w/ my Dad and brother, have been blessed with even just a small piece of the mental capacity to understand the game of football as well as those guys do. It may not be for everyone, but for us its rewards are worth more than most.
On a different note, Krissie is on her way to Norway now. She left yesterday around 6pm EDT, 7pm ADT. I'm not sure what timezone she is in now. She told me that the ship they are on is the fastest cruise ship in the world. The web says that the MV Explorer tops out at 28 Knots, but I was told today by a former cruiser that the ship can actually go 35 Knots. I guess they could get across the say in just a couple of days if they wanted to. But, for whatever reason, they have chosen to just mosey over there. It seems like she is having a pretty good time on the ship. I haven't really heard from her today. But, she did post on her blog. That was a neat read.
Off to read more of my book Blink. Up early to work out (I'm working out twice a day now) and then to run a few quick errands before hitting up the office. I'm all packed in my office now and nearly finished in my apartment. I'm not quite sure when I will start up in the new job. It will certainly be after vacation next week. So, until then, it's smooth sailing!!
I'm equally excited by
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My first time...
So here it first blog. Not even sure if anyone will read this or why I made it. Guess I'm making it because it's the thing to do now a days.
My blog is titled "Faith, Family, Friends, and Football." These are the four things that give meaning to my life. Fortunately, there are many aspects to each of these four. I'm not so shallow to think, however, that football is up there w/ my Catholic Faith and Krissie. Each of these four can stand on their own, but they are truley intersect at numerous points in my life.
I believe that my life has been shaped dramatically by these four things. I especially look to these four for life lessons to be shared with those close to me.
Krissie is away at Semester at Sea. She will be gone until August 22nd. That's about ten weeks for those who are counting. It's tough having her gone, but we are going to make it a means of making our relationship stronger. I'm awefully proud of all that she is accomplishing on this trip. It's incredible to imagine all that she will see on this trip!!
Off to Indiana tomorrow for a family wedding and father's day. My buddy Mitch and his wife Becky and son Charley are moving into their new home this weekend and I'm kind of bummed that I'm not there to help, as I'm sure they'd be there for Krissie and I if we were moving. But, it's important to be at family weddings and Father's Day. The wedding is a bit non-traditional, the reception at least. I'm not sure what to expect but the rumor is that we are going to the "Neon Cactus" as the majority of the reception. Not exactly the place I'd normally hang out at. But, that's OK. Hopefully people will make it to our wedding in Detroit.
My blog is titled "Faith, Family, Friends, and Football." These are the four things that give meaning to my life. Fortunately, there are many aspects to each of these four. I'm not so shallow to think, however, that football is up there w/ my Catholic Faith and Krissie. Each of these four can stand on their own, but they are truley intersect at numerous points in my life.
I believe that my life has been shaped dramatically by these four things. I especially look to these four for life lessons to be shared with those close to me.
Krissie is away at Semester at Sea. She will be gone until August 22nd. That's about ten weeks for those who are counting. It's tough having her gone, but we are going to make it a means of making our relationship stronger. I'm awefully proud of all that she is accomplishing on this trip. It's incredible to imagine all that she will see on this trip!!
Off to Indiana tomorrow for a family wedding and father's day. My buddy Mitch and his wife Becky and son Charley are moving into their new home this weekend and I'm kind of bummed that I'm not there to help, as I'm sure they'd be there for Krissie and I if we were moving. But, it's important to be at family weddings and Father's Day. The wedding is a bit non-traditional, the reception at least. I'm not sure what to expect but the rumor is that we are going to the "Neon Cactus" as the majority of the reception. Not exactly the place I'd normally hang out at. But, that's OK. Hopefully people will make it to our wedding in Detroit.
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